Henry David Thoreau —
The keeping of bees is like the direction of sunbeams.
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photos by gluttonforlife

4.18.13 Hive Mentality

We are officially beekeepers! Our friend Claire procured 3 pounds of highly adaptable Italian honey bees (Apis mellifera ligusticafor us and we picked them up this weekend. They are now ensconced on our rooftop (out of the reach of bears!) in the hive that was my Christmas present to G. He did much of the research for this project and I am now doing my reading to catch up. Bees are a big responsibility and I want to make sure we give them all the TLC they need. After all, with any luck, next year they'll be giving us some delicious honey.

Another incentive for starting a hive is the desire to support the severely challenged bee population. I'm sure you've heard of the frightening widespread colony collapse. (This is a great piece on the latest conclusions.) I find it fascinating that Rudolph Steiner, the German founder of biodynamic agriculture and a precursor of the modern organic movement, predicted in 1923 that artificial industrial techniques used to breed honey bees would lead to the species' collapse within a hundred years. The bee is yet another tragic victim of monoculture industrial agriculture and its rampant use of pesticides and GMOs.

James Beard —
I am still convinced that a good, simple, homemade cookie is preferable to all the store-bought cookies one can find.
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photos by gluttonforlife

4.15.13 Sweet, Salty, Spicy

It's a holy trinity. A tempting trifecta. To me there's nothing better than an exquisite balance of sweet and salty with a stealthy infusion of heat to kick it up just enough. It's why I love fresh summer fruit—mango, melon, pineapple, strawberries—macerated with jalapeño or sprinkled with chile salt. And it's the magic behind my all-time favorite caramels, made with chocolate, chile and Maldon salt. That same combination infuses a stellar treat dreamed up by baking maven Dorie Greenspan. Her new business, Beurre & Sel, run by son Josh and staffed in part by my very own sister-in-law (a talented baker in her own right), has been tantalizing tastebuds with cookies both classic and creative. My favorite are the ones that play savory elements (sesame, parmesan, rosemary, cayenne) off sweet ones. Dorie has dubbed these "cocktail cookies" because of how well they complement a drink. I've tweaked her recipe for the cocoa-cayenne cocktail cookies slightly, using gluten-free flour and incoporating the earthy crunch of cocoa nibs, but I think it still it does justice to the original.
John Barrymore —
The good die young—because they see it's no use living if you've got to be good.
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photos by gluttonforlife

4.12.13 In Memoriam

Ten years ago today, the man I was married to died of cancer. Adenoid cystic carcinoma. Diagnosed when he was 19, it had spread over a period of many years from his parotid gland to bones and organs throughout his body. Ultimately it went to his brain, causing a stroke from which he never recovered. I can't forget how he was in death, but I prefer to conjure him up in all his vital glory. He was a man of great appetites that ranged toward the high-brow: foie gras, foreign travel, fine cashmere. When I met him, I had left my glamorous life as a freelance writer in New York for what I imagined would be an even more glittering Hollywood phase, but things hadn't really turned out that way and I was a little lost. My thirties were rapidly running out, my second divorce was nearly three years behind me and I had a sneaking suspicion I was wasting valuable time on a number of fronts. But then I fell in love and the world turned. There were trips to China and Africa, pilgrimages to the French Laundry and Babbo, and a wedding—followed less than two years later by a funeral.
Orson Welles —
Living in the lap of luxury isn't bad, except that you never know when luxury is going to stand up.
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photo by gluttonforlife

4.10.13 Hot Links: April Discoveries

I'm feeling a little self-conscious telling you about these beautiful Charvet linen dish towels I just got ($100 for a set of 6 at The Future Perfect) after the shitstorm that has recently rained down on Gwyneth Paltrow. Her new cookbook, It's All Good—described as recipes for the foods Gwyneth eats when she wants to lose weight, look good, and feel more energetic—is accused of being elitist, faux populist, full of "quack science" and completely out of touch with what "regular" people can afford to eat. (Here is Mark Bittman on the subject; the Eater review has some amusing lines as well.) But I reason that this investment will save me at least $100 in paper towels. And though I have admitted to my torrid love affair with rarified (aka expensive) ingredients, this blog really does strive for a sensible balance. It's about creating quality of life within your means and the idea that truly shameless indulgence is never thoughtless or irresponsible. And so on to the many, many links I have stored up for you. Things to try, ponder, taste and discover, at your leisure...
Adlai E. Stevenson —
A hungry man is not a free man.
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photo by dorothea lange

4.8.13 The Hunger Games

Do you know this famous photograph by Dorothea Lange? It was taken in 1936 at a camp for seasonal agricultural workers north of Los Angeles. The woman was the 32-year-old mother of seven children, all of them living on frozen vegetables from the surrounding fields and birds that the children killed. They were on the brink of starvation. After returning home, Lange alerted the editor of a San Francisco newspaper to the plight of the workers at the camp, presenting him with two of her photos. The editor informed federal authorities and published an article that included Lange's images. As a result, the government rushed a shipment of 20,000 pounds of food to the camp. It's hard to imagine that such acute hunger could still exist in America, but it does. Today I'm joining bloggers around the nation in drawing attention to the food insecurity that is rampant in our country, in the hope that we can come together to put an end to hunger.