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8.22.09 The Bounty

I wish I could say I was responsible for any of this glorious produce but it was actually grown up the road from us here in Sullivan County, at River Brook Farm in Cochecton to be precise. (Wait—I did grow the cucumbers!) They've been certified organic since 1997, and in addition to all these amazing vegetables and fruits, they also have free-range chickens and the most lovely and contented pastured lambs and goats. The owners, Alice and Neil, have to be two of the nicest and hardest-working people you could ever hope to meet. Their soil is like bittersweet chocolate and everything that grows in it is truly spectacular. They grow 11 varieties of potatoes; 8 kinds of heirloom tomatoes; rare heirloom beans for drying; 9 varieties of winter squash; tons of greens including amaranth and tatsoi; collards; and lacinato kale (cavolo nero), my absolute favorite. Can't use just hear the anti-oxidants screaming at you from that photo?
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8.3.09 Green Juice

I get a little overheated when I start proselytizing about green juice. (Sorry about the blurry photo, I'm still trying to figure all this out/coerce G into shooting for me.) I owe my conversion to Sally Kravich, an amazing nutritionist who practices in both L.A. and New York. Her book, "Vibrant Living" has set a lot of people on the path to radiant health. (It was my great friend and longtime hairstylist, Sarah Mills, who turned me on to Sally but she's a whole other story.) Among other things, Sally uses iridology to help with her assessment of your health, and it freaks me out every time. How can she look at my pupil and know that my neck hurts??
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photo by george billard

7.27.09 Drinking Water

You should do more of it! I know, I know, it can be frightfully dull but a minimum of 8 glasses a day really does improve digestion and helps keep your skin radiant. Please stop buying those ridiculous plastic bottles of alleged spring water and either get a good filter or just drink tap water. I have Sigg aluminum bottles that I refill and they work great and last forever. We had our well-water tested (during the second coming of G's parasite invasion; thankfully, it tested negative for giardia) so we drink that knowing that it's not going to give us beaver fever (yes, we've already contracted that in India, thank you very much) or any other unwelcome visitors. To make your water a little more entertaining...