8.22.09 The Bounty

I wish I could say I was responsible for any of this glorious produce but it was actually grown up the road from us here in Sullivan County, at River Brook Farm in Cochecton to be precise. (Wait—I did grow the cucumbers!) They've been certified organic since 1997, and in addition to all these amazing vegetables and fruits, they also have free-range chickens and the most lovely and contented pastured lambs and goats. The owners, Alice and Neil, have to be two of the nicest and hardest-working people you could ever hope to meet. Their soil is like bittersweet chocolate and everything that grows in it is truly spectacular. They grow 11 varieties of potatoes; 8 kinds of heirloom tomatoes; rare heirloom beans for drying; 9 varieties of winter squash; tons of greens including amaranth and tatsoi; collards; and lacinato kale (cavolo nero), my absolute favorite. Can't use just hear the anti-oxidants screaming at you from that photo?
So what's my point here? Just that produce this fresh doesn't even need recipes. Get out the grill, the olive oil, some sea salt and maybe some local cheese and honey and you've got everything you need to eat like royalty. Yeah, you could thrown on some steaks or a trout or something. But you really don't need it.
Grilled new potatoes with fresh pesto?
Grilled patty pan squash sprinkled with spicy pimentón?
Grilled eggplant with sesame oil?
Grilled spring onions with feta?
Grilled cauliflower with anchovy butter?
Grilled peaches with lemon and honey?
Grilled oranges with rosemary?
Please, stop me before I grill again!