5.30.14 May Hot Links (& a Creature Feature)

Despite mainly cool temperatures, spring has finally arrived upstate and we are surrounded by the tender green of new life at long last. My tree peony has bloomed and the irises are about to pop. The hummingbirds have returned to the feeder and the yard is full of catbirds, whose glorious song never ceases to amaze. (Listen to an example, below.) A bear touched its nose to the screen on the window behind our bed where a birdfeeder hangs, instantly rousing us from sleep. We found our first morel, our first ramp and our first fiddleheads ever! Nature is suddenly full of food.
Scroll down to see some photos from my Instagram feed (follow along @LauraSilverman) that capture the recent state of my world, and keep going to discover the latest links I've been saving for you.

The legendary New York bookstore Kitchen Arts & Letters at last has an online shop
Did you know it's possible to be online without seeing ads?
Check out this lovely shop (and site) from Poland
Exactly what we all want to eat right about now
This no-cook tomato sauce looks promising, too
And how to make the ultimate mojito from a mixology master
If this doesn't make you want to garden, I don't know what will
The incredibly talented catbird sounds off
I am obsessed with LA forager Pascal Baudar - check out his fruit fly vinegar
Diana Kennedy, still sharp as a tack
Why good old-fashioned reading (as opposed to skimming & surfing) is a good thing
What to substitute for those astronomically expensive limes
GFL gets a little love from designer Rebecca Taylor
Such a moving blog about family, love, loss & memory
An informative look at sourcing ingredients
Absurd and good for a laugh