4.29.13 Is This It?

photos by gluttonforlife
There's a game I play sometimes: I look at my life as it is in this moment, think of everything I possess right now, and ask myself if I would be happy if nothing ever changed. I won't deny that sometimes this leads to sadness bordering on desperation. What if I don't finish my novel? Never build that house on the lake? Fail to see Burma? Is this it? Time and money often factor into this mental equation. Self-doubt can creep in. On those days, I question if I have fulfilled my potential, tried hard enough, risked enough. But I am not what I own, nor even what I do, and if I start to define myself by those measures, there is no satisfaction guaranteed.

bloody good
There is a concept in yoga called asmita; it refers to the "false-identification" that happens when we mistake the mind, body or senses for the true self. All of these things are changeable, so there is no point in becoming too attached to any of them. Your perfect home might burn down. Your gorgeous skin will wrinkle. Your business might fold. Worry not, for none of these are you.
The only true constant is the part of you known as purusa, the "seer," which experiences the world through the lens of the mind. This is your core, the you of you. The more connected you are to this unchanging inner self, the less you will look for happiness outside yourself, in other people or things. It feels amazingly good to be happy just being you.
The only true constant is the part of you known as purusa, the "seer," which experiences the world through the lens of the mind. This is your core, the you of you. The more connected you are to this unchanging inner self, the less you will look for happiness outside yourself, in other people or things. It feels amazingly good to be happy just being you.

salt of the earth
In my clearest moments, I know that I have everything I want. It's all right here inside me. And the same is true for you.
Rosy Outlook
serves 1
- — 2 ounces tequila
- — 2 ounces blood orange juice
- — 1/2 ounce lime juice
- — 3/4 ounce simple syrup or honey syrup
- — cumin salt (equal parts toasted cumin seeds and sea salt, blitzed in a spice grinder)
Spread about 1/4 cup of cumin salt on a small plate.
Swipe the rim of a rocks glass with a piece of lime, then dunk rim into cumin salt. Fill glass with ice and set aside.
Combine remaining ingredients in a cocktail shaker and shake well.
Pour over ice and enjoy.