6.29.12 Weekend Updates: Hot Links

strawberry fields forever
I know where I'll be for at least part of this weekend: up to my elbows in fruit from Trapani Farms! With berries flooding the markets, this is the time of year for preserving. I've already made strawberry jam—with mint and black pepper and with ancho chile—as well as blueberry with nutmeg, and sour cherry. Now come gooseberries, raspberries and all the stone fruits. My canning guru, Mrs. Wheelbarrow, says to make smaller batches so it's not that daunting, but I like to come away with at least 6 jars of something. I tuck them away to give as holiday gifts, when their sweet reminder of summer is so appreciated. If you need an incentive, think about stirring fresh raspberry jam into your mid-winter yogurt or serving guests a poundcake with fragrant peach preserves in February.
Maybe this weekend you'll be in front of a hot stove, too? Or perhaps putting your feet up in the screened-in porch and taking a nap? Either way, I hope you'll make time to peruse the links I've put together here. There's some fascinating stuff I wouldn't want you to miss.
Maybe this weekend you'll be in front of a hot stove, too? Or perhaps putting your feet up in the screened-in porch and taking a nap? Either way, I hope you'll make time to peruse the links I've put together here. There's some fascinating stuff I wouldn't want you to miss.

beat-up branagh
But first, I want to tell you about what I've been watching these days. All the shows I've been following over the past few months—Game of Thrones, The Killing, Mad Men and Girls—have wrapped up for the season, and Breaking Bad doesn't start for another couple of weeks, so G rustled up Wallander, a 2008 British series that stars Kenneth Branagh as a depressed, pre-diabetic mess of a detective who solves baffling crimes in a small Swedish village. We were so taken with the series—really, with Branagh's rich portrayal of this dark character—that we started watching the original 2005 Swedish series that was the basis for the British one.

swede (fever) dreams
It stars Krister Henriksson, an acclaimed Swedish stage and film actor, as the rather doughier, wrinklier and even more laconic detective Wallander. The pace of this series is a bit slower and it spends less time on the psychology of the lead character, but it might be even more enjoyable than the British version. Both are recommended for your viewing pleasure.
And now, down the rabbithole...
I am officially obsessed with Lindsey Adelman's work, especially this, which I am scheming to get
How do you feel about the demise of cookbooks? Will you be going here?
The groovy new Gather journal (I just ordered the first issue) provides a couple of fun summer soundtracks
Consider this for furnishing your porch or summer cottage
Another reminder to score some of these (or make your own) for warm weather refreshments
Speaking of which, don't miss this great tool for creating summer cocktails
Some fun tips and tricks for successful canning, here
This is so futuristic and techno, perfect for your resident geek
Have filed this away as inspiration for when we build our house
I've always wanted a floor tiled in leather, but until then one of these might have to do
Yet another cute shopping resource
An interesting look at a life made from foraging
The low-down on pepper, from an expert
Something to ponder: the fragility of life, the balm of togetherness
Gorgeous planters
The perfect summer dinner (I had no tomatillos so made them with a chipotle sauce instead)
Soon, I will round up many of my more specific recommendations into my STORE, with direct links so you can buy whatever strikes your fancy. And I am working with a few artisan friends to develop some unique products that I hope to offer you by late fall.
Have a beautiful weekend! xo
And now, down the rabbithole...
I am officially obsessed with Lindsey Adelman's work, especially this, which I am scheming to get
How do you feel about the demise of cookbooks? Will you be going here?
The groovy new Gather journal (I just ordered the first issue) provides a couple of fun summer soundtracks
Consider this for furnishing your porch or summer cottage
Another reminder to score some of these (or make your own) for warm weather refreshments
Speaking of which, don't miss this great tool for creating summer cocktails
Some fun tips and tricks for successful canning, here
This is so futuristic and techno, perfect for your resident geek
Have filed this away as inspiration for when we build our house
I've always wanted a floor tiled in leather, but until then one of these might have to do
Yet another cute shopping resource
An interesting look at a life made from foraging
The low-down on pepper, from an expert
Something to ponder: the fragility of life, the balm of togetherness
Gorgeous planters
The perfect summer dinner (I had no tomatillos so made them with a chipotle sauce instead)
Soon, I will round up many of my more specific recommendations into my STORE, with direct links so you can buy whatever strikes your fancy. And I am working with a few artisan friends to develop some unique products that I hope to offer you by late fall.
Have a beautiful weekend! xo