4.28.10 Seeing Red 2.0

photos by gluttonforlife
I adore chutneys, with their wonderfully complex mix of flavors: hot, sour, salty, sweet. They're like a perfect storm for your tastebuds. This one combines tart rhubarb with dark brown sugar, cider vinegar, sour cherries and a host of spices and aromatics: cumin, coriander, garlic, hot chiles, ginger and fresh turmeric. Look for this last in an Indian market, or substitute a teaspoon of ground dried turmeric. It has a wonderfully bitter bite and a rich saffron color that will stain everything in sight.

coming up rosy
Rhubarb emerges early from the stil-cold ground, and the patch we put in last summer already looks full and happy! I think we can start harvesting from it soon. I didn't want to be precipitous, though, so I came home with an armload of the stuff from the market this weekend. I love it cooked with orange zest and strawberries, as a syrup to mix with seltzer, or as a warm compote over ice cream, but I'm trying not to eat too many sweets these days (TRYING) so I thought I'd make this chutney instead.

rhizome not root
Turmeric, sometimes known as Indian saffron, is generally sold dried and powdered, but buy some fresh if you see it. In all forms, it's an excellent anti-inflammatory and good for the digestion, so eat plenty if you have aching joints or suffer from IBS or the like. It has a slight bitterness that works well in this chutney. Try the jammy sauce with roast pork, grilled lamb or on a cheese sandwich. It's also delicious spread on shortbread or stirred intro Greek yogurt. And, of course, eaten plain by the spoonful while leaning against the kitchen counter...but who would ever do that?
Rhubarb Chutney
makes about 5 cups
- — 6 cups roughly chopped rhubarb
- — 2 cups dark muscovado sugar
- — 1 cup cider vinegar
- — 2 large cloves garlic, minced
- — 2 medium yellow onions, diced
- — 3 tablespoons minced fresh ginger
- — 3 tablespoons diced crystallized ginger
- — 1/2-3/4 cup dried sour cherries
- — 2 Fresno peppers, seeded and minced
- — 2 Serrano peppers, seeded and minced
- — 2 teaspoons fine sea salt
- — 2 teaspoons freshly grated turmeric
- — 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
- — 1 teaspoon coriander seeds
- — 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
Combine all the ingredients in a large, heavy pot. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, then lower the heat and cook, stirring occasionally, until quite thick, about 1 hour. Stir frequently toward the end to avoid scorching. Preserve according to canning instructions, or keep refrigerated in glass jars.