1.2.12 A Good Year

Icon 790 xxx
photos by gluttonforlife
On New Year's Eve, just before midnight, we went for a much-needed hike along a country road, four of us and a white dog that showed up like a ghostly spectre against the pitch-black night. We huffed and puffed in the bracing air, our stomachs heavy with brisket, risotto and many flavors of Jeni's ice cream, straight from the source and drizzled with various homemade sauces (salty caramel, bittersweet chocolate, raspberry). It was actually the second hike of the day for G and me. That afternoon, we'd walked deep into the woods as we had our annual chat, reflecting back on the year gone by and discussing our hopes for one ahead. 2011 got a mixed review, mostly due to a certain broken leg that took the better part of 8 months (and counting) to fully heal. We are both committed to getting into fighting shape this winter and planning some physically challenging trips in the coming years, possibly including climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro. But in general we want to simply continue on our paths, doing more of what we love and getting better at it.Here are a few highlights from the year, as I shared it with you in this space we inhabit together. The first is the multi-tasking goddess, above, a new icon for my blog commissioned from illustrator extraordinaire Liselotte Watkins.
Pancetta 790 xxx
a meating of minds
The amazing Mrs. Wheelbarrow initiated the madness that is Charcutepalooza, and I participated for a few months (until I had to fly off to Indonesia). I learned to make my own pancetta and sausage!
Urchin 790 xxx
nice to sea you
There was fun in the sun in Todos Santos, Mexico, and Antigua.
Indonesia 790 xxx
a warm welcome to indonesia
I flew to the rescue of my injured husband, and wound up having a blast in the markets of Yogyakarta.
Chicken head 790 xxx
the sights and tastes were endlessly exotic
Borobudur 790 xxx
the culture there is ancient and rich
Garden 790 xxx
back home, we managed to get the garden going
July 4th 790 xxx
and even hosted our annual july 4th bbq (my hero!)
Ls in the woods 790 xxx
i spent lots of time in the woods
Chanterelles 790 xxx
and they yielded an incredible bounty of mushrooms
Maitake 790 xxx
beyond my wildest dreams (oh, and my grey hair grew in)
Ruby sipper 790 xxx
there were fruity cocktails
Preserving 790 xxx
and preserving galore
Choc bread 790 xxx
fun road trips
City 790 xxx
and countless outings in the city
Chiles 790 xxx
the glory of eating only from local farms
Gingerbread 790 xxx
and many treats from my own kitchen
Bonfire 790 xxx
there were shared bonfires
Marshmallow 790 xxx
quiet evenings at home
Best made 790 xxx
and others out in the world
Titi 790 xxx
in all things, i was aided and abetted by the divine titi
G 790 xxx
and my own true love (making a rare appearance)
Wonderful 790 xxx
Remember, it's about wanting what you have, not having what you want.What's on your mind for 2012? I'd love to know what you'd like to discover this year, and where you'd like me to take you. Do tell...
Tagged — recap, 2011, New Year


Thank you for all the wonderful journeys near and far this year, Laura. I hope to meet in 2012. Cheers and happy new year.
Cathy on January 2, 2012 at 9:24 am —
Super year for you! Nice recap. Cheers for you in 2012!
Alice on January 2, 2012 at 12:48 pm —
Happy New Year, Laura! I've so enjoyed getting my Glutton for Life fixes this year! And thank you for all of your support with OnMyPlate! 2011 was all about settling in and understanding my new surroundings of Chicago. 2012 is all about family, with the pending birth of our son, and taking my businesses to new places! I have such a great feeling for this year - I intend those feelings prove true for all of us! xoxo
Melissa Skoog Dunagan, OnMyPlate.com on January 2, 2012 at 12:56 pm —
Thanks, Alice. Wishing you and yours a wonderful 2012!
laura on January 2, 2012 at 12:58 pm —
Thanks, Missy! I'm so excited for you and the big adventure that lies ahead. Guess Miss T will be giving you pointers...!
laura on January 2, 2012 at 12:59 pm —
Yes, let's find some face time in 2012! xo
laura on January 2, 2012 at 1:02 pm —