
5.13.13 Mother Nature

Philip 790 xxx
iphotos by george billard
I celebrated Mother's Day by honoring the original matriarch. Her majestic glory was fully on display at our lake property in Forestburgh (that's here and here). Four of us took turns rowing across in the canoe to reach the waterfall on the other side. Engorged with the recent rains, it was noisy and boisterous, cascading down from the heights, splashing and spraying with refreshing vigor. The woods are just beginning to leaf out and the greens are so tender and vivid. Near the waterfall, the moss and ferns are impossibly lush and the trillium and jack-in-the-pulpit proliferate. A handful of pristine and velvety wood ear mushrooms were discovered growing on a downed tree trunk. We clambered up a very steep and rocky hill and found the top of the falls—a vertiginous drop with a very promising pool for summer dips.
Waterfall2 790 xxx
fall from grace
This photo was taken at the end of last summer, so you can see how much less water there is at certain times of the year. I've seen some legendary waterfalls—in Yosemite and in Iceland—but there's something pretty spectacular about having one as secret and private as this.
Millipede 790 xxx
bugging out
Other sightings included several of these striped millipedes and a terrifying number of ticks, which we were picking off our bodies for the rest of the day.
Beekeepers 790 xxx
latest buzz
In other news, G and I attended our first meeting of the local beekeeping society. It was us and quite a few gentleman of a rather advanced age—some of them second- and third-generation beekeepers! The meeting began with a mandatory recitation of the pledge of allegiance. They put the fear of god in us over how many things could go wrong with our hive (foul brood! mites!) but were also very supportive and encouraging. Meanwhile, the bees, those titans of industry, are already on their fourth honeycomb. All hail the queen.

The Bee's Knees

makes 2 cocktails
  • — 1/4 cup hot water
  • — 1 teaspoon dried lavender
  • — 1/4 cup raw wildflower honey
  • — 1 teaspoon orange blossom water
  • — 6 tablespoons gin
  • — 2 tablespoons lemon juice

Mix hot water and dried lavender in bowl. Steep for 5 minutes. Whisk in 1/4 cup honey until fully dissolved. Strain into another bowl. Place 3 tablespoons of the honey syrup, the orange blossom water, gin and lemon juice into a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake well and strain into 2 chilled martini glasses.

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Mother Nature is divine indeed and oh to have my very own waterfall! Thanks for sharing the glorious pictures. If you want some good organic preventatives for common problems with bees feel free to contact Jeff who has been using herbs to combat the ills of beekeeping with good success. XO S
Suzinn on May 13, 2013 at 8:10 pm —
Thanks, Suzinn. We may well bother him with questions! xo
laura on May 13, 2013 at 8:39 pm —
you really had to say the pledge of allegiance? that is so weird. and charming too. wow.
kathleen duich on May 13, 2013 at 11:38 pm —
Yes, it was both. And amazing that I remembered all the words perfectly, after 40 years...
laura on May 14, 2013 at 6:32 am —